Every time I mention the term “leaky gut syndrome” to a patient, they look at me and cringe. Rightfully so, as it doesn’t sound like something very appetizing. Unfortunately …
Gallbladder dysfunction is a fairly common clinical condition. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, cholecystectomy (or gallbadder removal) was the seventh most common ambulatory (or …
The passing of kidney stones is reported to be one of the most excruciatingly painful events one can go through. At times, morphine may be necessary to relieve the …
Candida albicans is a yeast that is normally present in our gastrointestinal tract, skin, and vaginal tract in women. Under normal circumstances it remains in those places causing no …
One of the most common conditions I see in patients is sleeping problems. Rarely is this a person’s primary complaint though. I usually have to ask the patient about …
You’ve all probably heard the idea that stress causes health problems. Your doctor may have even told you that your health concern(s) exist solely because of stress. In my …
Chances are you’ve experienced this event at least once in your life. I see it fairly often in patients, to varying degrees. According to Mayo Clinic; “Orthostatic hypotension — …
The phrase: “Death begins in the colon”, coined by Nobel Prize winner professor Elie Metchnikoff, is a well known one; at least amongst my peers and I. I’m not …
In parts 1 and 2 we heard about the challenges of the by-products of chlorine and toxic metals that are present in tap water. Remember that’s not my opinion, …