What is Applied Kinesiology? (Part 1 of 3)
To start off, I must give credit where credit is due. applied kinesiology was founded by the late, great George J. Goodheart, Jr., DC, DIBAK, in 1964. Would you consider a practitioner who prescribes herbs as “holistic?” What about someone who uses homeopathy? Perhaps you’ve even been to a chiropractor who uses alternative methods and …
What is Applied Kinesiology? (part 2 of 3)
In this part of the series I’d like to address how applied kinesiologists use muscle testing. This is essentially our primary diagnostic tool. Don’t get me wrong, we use many other diagnostic tools such as palpation, auscultation (i.e.: a stethoscope), blood, urine, saliva, x-ray, MRI, etc.. It really depends on the extent and nature of …
What is Applied Kinesiology (Part 3 of 3)
In Part 1, we learned how applied kinesiology is truly holistic, and it’s not just a buzz word for us. In Part 2, we learned how an applied kinesiologist uses the functional muscle test to assess a person’s nervous system response. In Part 3 we’ll talk about what actually happens in the office. Keep in …